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The Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® consists of Full Members, Support Members, and Auxiliary Members

Full Member:
1. Of good character.
2. Who is a Veteran of a Foreign War, "combat".
3. The ONLY Acceptable proof for membership to the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association® is a copy of one's DD 214 or Official Military Personnel File or officer/enlisted record brief which must be surrendered to the NBOD for verification.
4. Must own and operate a Motorcycle of 500cc or above.

Support Members:
1. Must be of good character.
2. Must own and operate a motorcycle of 500cc or greater.
3. Maximum number of Support Members will not exceed 10% of total CVMA® full Combat membership.
4. Support Members must be a Veteran of the United States Armed Forces.

Auxiliary Members:
1. Must be of good character.
2. All Auxiliary members must be a spouse, widow or widower of a member who is in good standing with the CVMA®. An Auxiliary widow or widower cannot sponsor an additional Auxiliary Member.
3. Must support the efforts of ALL branches of the United States of America's Armed Forces and the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association®.

If you are interested in becoming a member please fill out the form by clicking here.

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